Thrive Complete Dog Food Salmon 375g

by Thrive

Thrive Food for Dogs is natural, wholesome, made from freshly prepared quality ingredients and comes in a variety of flavors that are simply irresistible. This recipe contains salmon, potato, peas, carrots, broccoli, tomato, apple, fish oil, sunflower oil, seaweed, broth, herbs, vitamins, minerals and nothing else. A natural and irresistible recipe for dogs of all breeds and ages, 100% natural, 0% nonsense, No grain, No fillers or jellies, No meal or derivatives, No gluten, soya or wheat, No additives or GMOs, No artificial colors.


Freshly Prepared Salmon (59%), Broth, Potato, Peas, Carrots, Broccoli, Tomato, Apples, Minerals, Seaweed, Herbs, Fish, Sunflower Oil

Allergy Information

Free From Gluten, Free From Soya, Free From Wheat

Nutritional Information

Typical Values

Analytical Constituents:

Crude Proteins


Crude Oil and Fats


Crude Ash


Crude Fibres




Nutritional additives per kg:

Vitamin D3

200 I.E.

Zinc as zinc sulphate monohydrate

15 mg

Manganese as manganese II sulphate, monohydrate

3 mg

Iodine as Calcium iodate

0.75 mg


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